When I first came to Sacramento, I search for a job at two photo stores. The largest called McCurry's Cameras, and the other was a small photo store lovingly called The F-Stop. The former would not give me the time of day and the latter not only became my first employment in the area, but I ultimately became its owner a few months later. That's right; I bought the place at the ripe age of 20. I was young, had no cash, but had quick learning skills and a burning desire to stick it to the oversize unfriendly McCurry's chain. They had 5 to 6 stores, and we were just a little shop nestled in a small shopping center. Even though we were just a spec to them, when we roared we made everyone stand up a listened. My store was the first to hold model photography workshops, the first to introduce Polaroid's instant chrome film system, and we were known for having the friendliest staff that did not embarrass you when you needed film loaded into your camera. During the Christmas season, we offered professional Santa photo service for those who did not want to deal with the malls. Retail is hard work and after three years I made some valuable business contacts. While owning and operating a retail store is not for everyone. I respect those who choose to be in it. Maybe that's why I know how to make great commercials when it comes to retail. When most producers shy away from showing the front of the establishment (calling it old hat), I always show the storefront. A lot of money goes into the facade of a business and how else are customers going to recognize it when they drove past. My other joy was having the experience of working with a great staff. Thank you, Tom, Chari, Tim & Santa.