I never know what is going to get thrown my way. Whether it be a live-broadcast shoot or a car commercial, I always learn to anticipate the unexpected. This time it was a real-estate and construction promotion shoot. We went out in the blistering hot heat to take photos of workers picking weeds or spraying a special chemical to enforce lawn growth, along with an on-camera interview. The main concern for me was the camera portion and listening for instructions.
irst we began in a nice air-conditioned building, filming a wonderful interview of the manager, Chuck. The set-up was quick and simple; a light-stand in the back and front then the camera was positioned directly in front of the talent. It was odd to see the overhead lights turned off and observe what remained. There was key and fill lighting made by the artificial light then the background was illuminated by natural lighting. A typical three-point lighting set-up. The talent was a little on edge although he was able to pull through and demonstrate how professional yet suitable his company is. I was impressed with his incognito enthusiasm to John’s questions. If I wanted to promote my company, this guy was definitely the one to put in front of the cameras.
irst we began in a nice air-conditioned building, filming a wonderful interview of the manager, Chuck. The set-up was quick and simple; a light-stand in the back and front then the camera was positioned directly in front of the talent. It was odd to see the overhead lights turned off and observe what remained. There was key and fill lighting made by the artificial light then the background was illuminated by natural lighting. A typical three-point lighting set-up. The talent was a little on edge although he was able to pull through and demonstrate how professional yet suitable his company is. I was impressed with his incognito enthusiasm to John’s questions. If I wanted to promote my company, this guy was definitely the one to put in front of the cameras.

Now the easy part of the day was done. Little did I know that we would go out into a sauna for photos. The positive outlook was I got to exfoliate my face for free plus get a pretty swell workout. The landscape workers did a tremendous job shoveling, sweeping, and mowing front lawns so that a double-take would turn into a stop-and-stare. They had great work ethic not to mention maintaining a bright smile in the oven-hot blazing sun. And when we told them to mow about ten or fifteen times, they did it without wincing one bit. One of the landscapers, Gill, was cool. He let out some jokes towards the end of the day to crack a smile on our exhausted faces. He also respected the professionalism of women, in which I found pleasant about his character.
All in all the shoot ran perfectly, the lighting was spectacular, the talent cooperated well with the crew, and it turned out to be a fun day! I would say this was a well-furbished green lawn shoot for Christensen Media. Stay tuned for more adventures.
[Ariel studies French at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and will be an exchange student in Paris by the end of Summer. She chose to intern with Christensen Media in the mean time to better her skills in media production.]
All in all the shoot ran perfectly, the lighting was spectacular, the talent cooperated well with the crew, and it turned out to be a fun day! I would say this was a well-furbished green lawn shoot for Christensen Media. Stay tuned for more adventures.
[Ariel studies French at the University of Hawaii at Manoa and will be an exchange student in Paris by the end of Summer. She chose to intern with Christensen Media in the mean time to better her skills in media production.]